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Preventive Care

Preventive dental care is one of the most effective ways to keep your teeth as healthy as possible at all times.

Preventive Care

Preventive dental care is one of the most effective ways to keep your teeth as healthy as possible at all times.

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Regular Oral Hygiene with Forum Dentistry
What more can you do?

Prevention is better than cure - and that’s the philosophy we teach right here at Forum Dentistry!

Regular dental check-ups are the key to maintaining good oral health and allow us to address any issues that may arise between appointments.

Regular Oral Hygiene with Forum Dentistry

Typically, oral hygiene visit is scheduled at least once every six months. This appointment can help prevent many of the problems that lead to decay and tooth loss and is important in the early diagnosis and treatment of gum disease.

At Forum Dentistry, we believe in personalised treatment. When you visit our practice in St Leonards, we make sure that the preventive instructions we give you are for your mouth alone. We will take special care to assess and carefully analyse your full mouth to give the most appropriate advice to assist in keeping your teeth and gums healthy for life.

We utilise the most adequate dental equipment that we have at our disposal to provide an accurate diagnosis and determine the most optimal treatment for your case. Only with such a specialised approach can we be completely confident in the success of the prescribed therapy.

We also offer general preventive dental care services and pediatric dental services for your little ones. Teach them about the importance of oral health while they are still young and ensure that one day, they have a bright and healthy smile!

What more can you do?

Remember - preventive dental care starts with you!

Regular brushing and flossing are essential to ensure the care we take at your regular appointments is maintained. We also advise implementing a mouthwash into this little ritual to rinse any leftovers. If you are unsure whether you are brushing and flossing your teeth correctly, consult with one of the dentists from Forum Dentistry to learn how to get it right every time.

Stir away from tobacco products, acidic foods, and be careful when consuming any hard foods. If you have braces, implants, or dentures, be sure to follow recommendations provided by our practitioner on how to maintain them properly

We've been providing dental services to St Leonards, Wollstonecraft, North Sydney, Crows Nest and Chatswood for over 30 years so don’t postpone the visit any longer - schedule a diagnostic preventive dental care check-up right away.

Our Dental Preventive Care Services

Preventive dental care is one of the most effective ways to keep your teeth as healthy as possible at all times. Regular visits to a dental professional will help minimise your chances of developing some more severe dental problems or will help prevent them in the first place.

At Forum Dentistry, diagnostic preventive dental care includes routine checkups with one of our dental professionals and teeth cleaning. Furthermore, we tend to recommend routine X-rays which help us discover the early signs of teeth problems that cannot be so easily detected with a naked eye.

Frequently asked questions

Most people should have a dental check-up twice per year. This is in order for your dentist to keep an eye on your dental health, prevent issues from occurring, and treat any problems that arise immediately.

If you are having issues such as dental pain and wish to be seen sooner, don’t hesitate to make a booking with us as soon as possible.

To prepare for your dental appointment at Forum Dentistry, St Leonards, brush and floss your teeth before your visit. You should also think about whether you have any questions for us regarding your oral health, and be prepared to let us know if you have any issues you’d like to discuss, such as dental pain.

During your regular dental check-up, your dentist will scrape off any plaque that has built up on your teeth. This sticky substance is made from bacteria and forms on your teeth constantly, which is why it’s important to brush and floss daily to remove it. However, plaque often ends up building up, especially in places that are difficult to reach with your brush.

Plaque is the cause of numerous dental issues, including teeth discolouration, bad breath, and gum disease. If untreated, it can even lead to periodontitis, which can result in the loss of teeth.

Once plaque builds up, it is too stubborn to remove with a regular toothbrush, which is why a dentist will scrape it off during your check-up. This helps to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible.
Your dentist will also offer advice on how to avoid plaque from accumulating in between appointments.