TMJ & Teeth Grinding
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) is a common type of jaw-related pain.
At Forum Dentistry, we’ve helped a number of patients prevent teeth grinding and minimise the chances of experiencing any uncomfortable side-effects, which may include worsening your oral and overall health.
Experience chronic headaches? Feel like you haven’t had a good night sleep for some time now? If, in addition to these symptoms, your teeth start to feel sensitive and brittle, chances are that you are grinding your teeth.
If you suffer from teeth grinding or any of the above conditions, talk to the team at Forum Dentistry today. Patients who undergo treatment for a TMJ dysfunction experience many benefits, including decreased or eliminated pain, improved overall health, longer-lasting dental restorations, more restful sleep and a better quality of life.

Many people dismiss a headache as a strained neck or shoulder muscles from a bad night’s sleep, working at a computer for too long without a break or as a sports injury. In some instances, this may be true, but very few people with recurring headaches, neck or shoulder pain think their teeth or jaw might be the underlying cause of their pain.
At Forum Dentistry, we’ve helped a number of patients prevent teeth grinding and minimise the chances of experiencing any uncomfortable side-effects, which may include worsening your oral and overall health.
About TMJ
One of the most complex, flexible and utilized joints in your body is your jaw joint, otherwise known as your Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ). This ball and socket joint, located just in front of your ears connects your jaw to your skull and is what enables you to move your jaw freely so that you can talk, chew, swallow and laugh.
When your jaw and teeth are out of their correct alignment, a range of problems can occur including:
- Headaches
- Teeth grinding (also called bruxism)
- Dizziness
- Pain in and around the jaw joints, especially after sleep
- Earaches with no sign of infection or ringing in the ears
- Numbness in the fingers and arms
- Restricted jaw movement
- Clicking or popping sounds in the jaw joints
- Jaw locking- open or closed
- Pain behind the eyes
- Difficulty swallowing
- Facial, neck, shoulder or back pain
- Unexplained teeth loosening
- Worn tooth surfaces
- Broken or chipped teeth
Teeth grinding and other TMJ problems often develop over time and it is quite natural that the treatment to correct them, which takes a conservative approach, may also be ongoing for some time.
What Does Your Treatment Plan Look Like?
Your treatment plan at Forum Dentistry may incorporate one or several of the following methods:
- Bite plate – A custom-designed acrylic splint used to reduce the pressure placed on the jaw and teeth. Usually worn at night when your bite force is greater than when you are awake. Bite plates need to be adjusted regularly and monitored as your bite and jaw position changes during your treatment.
- Cold or warm packs – A cold or warm compress placed over the tender areas of your jaw muscles can assist with muscle relaxation and bring relief.
- Diet – Change your diet to include soft foods and cut food into smaller pieces to reduce the strain required to chew. Avoid hard, chewy, sticky foods and chewing gum as they can place additional strain on jaw muscles.
- Stress management – Effective relaxation therapy techniques can reduce strain caused by clenching jaw muscles during times of stress or when doing strenuous physical labour or sport.